What if our task in life is to develop a spiritual understanding of our place in the Universe and the ability to relate harmoniously to all other species on Earth is a part of this development? What if each of us is already complete with an Inner Self, so that, given the right opportunity and conditions, we are sufficient of ourselves, to carry out this task of spiritual development? What if each of us is already a spiritual being with an indestructible relationship with God, regardless of any Man made religious overlay? What if God really has no interest in our physical welfare as this is mostly, within Man’s abilities? And what if history is seen to suggest this is so? What if Science and Philosophy are the two ends of the same stick? What if death is simply a change from one form of reality into another? Perhaps, to the non-physical reality we experience as dreaming? What if, at death, each of us leaves this world as a spiritual identity - as we entered it, and then proceeds on to another stage of spiritual development appropriate to our level of understanding? What if all of this is so and we really have no need for competing man made religious systems of personal, spiritual salvation, with attendant religious guilt, domination, bigotry, and so on? Thin k about each of these for a minute or two and then ask yourself, truthfully, why they shouldn’t be so… About the Author: Robert Rowe, was born on July 16th. 1927. As a lad, he attended a local Methodist Church for his basic Christian religious upbringing. However, as many others have also discovered, answers to questions, which arose from enquiring minds, were either unavailable, or were a matter of opinion. This, of course, led to a confused understanding that, the Christian religion was divided in its views on various aspects of their beliefs, in many cases, according to each Churches selfish, points of view and, in some instances, the need for monetary gain. So, how could this be? Over the years, this led him to a very rudimentary interest in religions generally, with an emphasis in the three mono-Theistic religions, as these are inter-related, and, much later, a broadening of this interest to include basic Philosophy the theory of living, and Science the practice of living, to try to arrive at an irrevocable understanding that would include both disciplines, as these are the very basis of our lives. Further, if, as put forward by Science, that the Universe is composed of energy, then it’s reasonable to assume that its Creator, whom we call God, will also be an energy source. Following this, it’s also reasonable to allow for spiritual energy visualisations to also exist, on occasion. However, he felt that if God, is accepted as the supreme energy source, creating an energy Universe, and that both Philosophy and Science are the two instruments by which Mankind can “know” his creator, it is considered that Mankind will have taken a great step forward in his evolution, and History will have served its purpose as a background to the march forward. This book, “GOD A balance of probabilities?” discusses this possibility into a probability. It is hoped you will agree.

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