Should we all grow in knowing God?
This book is for everyone's heart who seeks to deepen their relationship with God and commit to a life of continuous growth in faith. The Holy Spirit inspired the writing of this book to motivate us all to grow in our knowledge of our heavenly Father. Having thirty-three testaments, this book reminds us that our journey of knowing God is a continuous, transformative process. I hope your reading opens your eyes to the profound impact of God's heart on us every day. This book's purpose is to impact a strong commitment in all of us to grow in knowing God.
- 9798895971598
- 9798895971598
- Personal Christian testimony & popular inspirational works
- Format:
- Epub (Kobo), Epub (Adobe)
- Publication Date:
- Language:
- English
- Publisher:
- Trilogy Christian Publishing
Available for download after 01/04/2025
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