This work is about the one commodity more sought-after than any other - money! In its pages you will learn how to work with spirits who can help to bring money into your life.
The 72 spirits listed in The Goetia, a grimoire of powerful magick, are divided into 7 ranks of hierarchy: Kings, Dukes, Princes and Prelates, Marquises, Presidents, Earls and Counts, and Knights.
Of the 20 different spirits listed in this monograph; 2 hold the rank of King, 8 hold the rank of Duke, 1 holds the rank of Prince, 2 hold the rank of Marquis, 6 hold the rank of President, and 1 holds the rank of Earl. Those 20 can help you to attract more money, luck and success into your life.
It is a well-known occult fact that certain spirits are drawn to candles of a certain color, and the 72 spirits listed in The Goetia are no different. The candle corresponding to the spirit is lit at the start of each ritual. The rituals contained within can be used for the following purposes:
To Discover the Earth’s Lost Treasures,
To Live an Opulent Life,
To Find or Receive Precious Gems,
To Move Forward in Life,
To Bring Riches,
To Bring Gold,
To Bring A Constant Flow of Cash,
To Find A Rare Book (Or Similar),
To Obtain Any Goal or Desire,
To Find A New Home,
To Increase Existing Assets,
To Make Money in The Depths of Poverty,
To Receive Abundant Cash,
To Achieve Success in Your Undertakings,
To Banish Bad Luck,
To Bring Good Fortune,
To Be Successful in Any Profession,
To Bring Moderate Amounts of Money,
To Bring Success in Business,
To Realize Every Desire.
Each spirit has its own specific sigil through which its power can flow into your life. The sigil is carefully copied onto a square of stiff, white paper (or cardboard) using a black texture, or ink the same color as the candle.
And most importantly, the intent must be clear in your mind, random thoughts will not work.
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