Great Battles of the Early Roman Empire

Great Battles of the Early Roman Empire

by Simon Elliott
Epub (Kobo), Epub (Adobe)
Publication Date: 21/12/2023

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From renown Roman historian, Dr. Simon Elliott presents eight of the greatest, most significant battles from the first two and a half centuries of Rome's Imperial period.

Dr Simon Elliott describes eight of the greatest, most decisive of the Roman Empire of the first to third centuries. The list includes battles fought from the highlands of Scotland and the forests of Germany to the deserts of the Middle East. They show how the vaunted Roman legions adapted to extremes of terrain and climate as well as a wide array of very different foes, from the wild Caledonian tribes to the sophisticated, combined-arms armies of Sassanid Persia with their war elephants and superb cavalry. Some of the battles even pit the Roman legions against their own kind in brutal civil wars.

After an introductory chapter on the Imperial Roman army, detailing its organization, equipment, tactics and doctrine, the author moves on to describing each battle in detail. He sets the strategic context and background of the chosen engagement before analysing the size and composition of the opposing forces, also detailing the nature of the enemy faced. The manoeuvres leading up to the battle are described, followed by deployment and the course of the fighting itself. Finally, the aftermath and implications of the battles outcome are assessed. The well-researched and engaging text is supported by clear maps.

Classical history / classical civilisation
Epub (Kobo), Epub (Adobe)
Publication Date:
Pen and Sword
Simon Elliott

Simon Elliott is an historian, archaeologist and Honorary Research Fellow at the University of Kent where he studied for his PhD in Archaeology on the subject of the Roman military in Britain.

He also has an MA in War Studies from KCL and an MA in Archaeology from UCL. For a day job he runs his own PR company, and is a former defence and aerospace journalist at titles including Jane's Defence Weekly and Flight International. He frequently gives talks on Roman themes and is co-Director at a Roman villa excavation.

His several books include Roman Legionaries: Soldiers of Empire in the Casemate Short Histories series, and also Empire State: How the Roman Military Built an Empire (Oxbow Books 2017).

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