In this book, we join the writer of the Book of Chronicles as he records when God opened the way for his people to return from an enforced exile and to resume their previous temple service for Him in Jerusalem. As we launch out into 2022, we're surely hoping for a more definite restart of conventional ways of serving the Lord after some measure of 'enforced exile' that's been imposed by the Covid-19 pandemic and our various governments' response to it!
As we do so, Brian explores the valuable lessons that we can learn from some of the background characters of Chronicles – including the zeal and the faithfulness of the temple gate-keepers who seem to have played a multi-faceted role, being the guards of the temple entrances, the supervising stewards of the people's contributions, the temple's night-watchmen, those responsible for admitting into its precincts only those who had a right to be there, the keepers of an inventory of the temple equipment, and the supervisors of the worship ingredients.
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