This authoritative 2016 document has been professionally converted for accurate flowing-text e-book format reproduction. The Guide to Wildland Fire Cause and Determination provides recommended procedures, practices and techniques (methods) for use within a problem solving framework to conduct a systematic wildland fire investigation resulting in a determination of the ignition area, cause, and ignition sequence, including collection of factual data pertinent to the investigation, an analysis of data, formulation of a hypothesis(es), testing of the hypotheses, and selection of a final hypothesis. The guidelines were developed to assist wildland fire investigators in using peer reviewed and accepted methods, generating evidence and informed conclusions to be used for legal proceedings, to serve as the basis for administrative decisions and policy development. There are many similarities between structural fire investigations and wildland fire investigations, there are also differences requiring specialized training and experience.
The purpose of a wildland fire investigation is to determine the origin, cause, ignition sequence, and responsible party. Every wildland fire investigation is unique. Portions of the guide may not apply to every wildland fire investigation. The recommendations presented in this guide should be followed to the largest extent possible but are not meant to restrict the application of other specific practices to unique fire scene conditions. Further, it is recognized that policy, time, assignment and resources may dictate the scope and extent to which these guidelines may be applied to a specific investigation. The guidelines and recommendations were developed to follow a science-based, systematic methodology which has been peer-reviewed and is generally accepted by the wildland fire investigation profession. The methodology recommends coordinated use of the scientific method for problem solving and methods specific to the wildland fire investigation discipline.
Procedures, practices, or techniques applied during a wildland fire investigation which differ from those recommended within this document are not necessarily wrong, but the wildland fire investigator who uses procedures, practices, or techniques not commonly taught or accepted by the wildland fire investigation community should be ready to explain why such procedures, practices or techniques were applied. It is recommended that a systematic approach be applied to all wildland fire investigations.
Chapter 1A - Fire Behavior * Principles of Fire Spread * Fire Behavior Factors * Wildland Fire Terminology * Fire Pattern Indicator Categories * General Principles of Fire Pattern Interpretation * Chapter 1B - Fire Behavior and Fire Patterns * General Reliability and Possible Exceptions * Fire Pattern Indicator Categories * 1. Protection Fire Pattern Indicators * 2. Grass Stem Fire Pattern Indicators * 3. Foliage Freeze Fire Pattern Indicators * 4. Angle of Char Fire Pattern Indicators * 5. Spalling Fire Pattern Indicators * 6. Curling Fire Pattern Indicators * 7. Sooting Fire Pattern Indicators * 8. Staining Fire Pattern Indicators * 9. White Ash Fire Pattern Indicators * 10. Cupping Fire Pattern Indicators * 11. V and U Fire Pattern Indicators * Chapter 2 - Methodology * Use of the Scientific Method * Methods * Arrival on Scene * Areas of the Fire * Determining the General Origin Area * General Origin Area Investigation Techniques * Chapter 3 - Fire Scene Evidence * Types of Evidence * Admissibility of Evidence
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