Handbook of Drying for Dairy Products is a complete guide to the field’s principles and applications, with an emphasis on best practices for the creation and preservation of dairy-based food ingredients.
- Details the techniques and results of drum drying, spray drying, freeze drying, spray-freeze drying, and hybrid drying
- Contains the most up-to-date research for optimizing the drying of dairy, as well as computer modelling options
- Addresses the effect of different drying techniques on the nutritional profile of dairy products
- Provides essential information for dairy science academics as well as technologists active in the dairy industry
- 9781118930502
- 9781118930502
- Food & beverage technology
- Format:
- Epub (Kobo), Epub (Adobe)
- Publication Date:
- Language:
- English
- Publisher:
- Wiley
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