Haslam's Journey

Haslam's Journey

by Chris Wright
Publication Date: 23/10/2017

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If you only intend to read just one Christian book, this should be the one! You may have heard of the clergyman who was converted while preaching his own sermon. Well, William Haslam is that man. It happened in Cornwall one Sunday in 1851, and revival immediately broke out. Later, another of William Haslam's 'famous' sermons will cause a mass walkout of assembled clergy in St Paul's Cathedral! Once he starts to preach the Gospel with zeal, you can rejoice over powerful conversions in nearly every chapter.

Haslam's Journey consists of selected passages from William Haslam's two autobiographies: From Death Into Life (published 1880, his Cornish ministry) and Yet Not I (published 1882, set mostly in Bath, Norfolk and London), abridged and lightly modernised. Just under half of the originals is included. With copious notes and appendices by Chris Wright, editor of Haslam's Leaves also from White Tree Publishing. William Haslam writes with humour and great insight.

William Haslam writes about his early life: "I did not see then, as I have since, that turning over a new leaf to cover the past is not by any means the same thing as turning back the old leaves and getting them washed in the blood of the Lamb. I thought my acceptance with God depended upon my works. This made me very diligent in prayer, fasting and alms deeds. I often sat and dreamed about the works of mercy and devotion I would do."

Christian ministry & pastoral activity
Publication Date:
White Tree Publishing
Chris Wright

Chris Wright is an award-winning journalist and author, based in Singapore. He has been Asia and Middle East editor of Euromoney, editor of Asiamoney, and investment editor of the Australian Financial Review.

He is proprietor of the freelance writing consultancy Chris Wright Media and a founding partner of Resonate Global, and author of the books No More Worlds to Conquer and Rum & Coal.

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