HE Dressed Me

HE Dressed Me

by Carmenia V. V Grant
Epub (Kobo), Epub (Adobe)
Publication Date: 01/07/2024

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Allow me to take you on a journey where, in His mercy, GOD transformed my life-a time when everything seemed to be going as planned (so I thought). Then, a surprising plot twist appeared, catching me off guard. The stories in this book provide a glimpse into a time in my life when the oppressor (the devil) snatched victory from my grasp just as success seemed imminent. It describes a time when life threw significant challenges and disappointments at me, but God eventually delivered me to a place of purpose, love, and a fulfilling life.

Join me as I chronicle how I emerged from my trials, not broken but refined, not defeated but strengthened. Through all of the ups and downs, I'm convinced that the unrelenting storm was not a punishment but rather a means of preparing me for the manifestation of God's grand purpose in my life and the revelation of His unwavering love. I believe my story can inspire your powerful comeback story. God still works miracles!

Popular psychology
Epub (Kobo), Epub (Adobe)
Publication Date:
Mike Prah Media

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