The reader is led to a fascinating tour through a wonderful world of rare and precious gems. It describes how by wearing appropriate gems, your dame fortune could deliver wonders, solve everyday problems and offer protection from evil influences of planets, and also enhance their beneficial effects. The author tells you about appropriate gems suitable for each individual born under a particular zodiac sign. It remains a very reliable reference guide with an extensive list of crystals and gems, followed by respective interpretations. The book also discusses auspicious time and days for wearing gems or stones, and about the performance of rituals needed for attaining best results. The chapters focus on: *Gems and disease, Gems for professional success. *Crystal and Gems for the new millennium.
- 9789350572504
- 9789350572504
- Complementary therapies
- Format:
- Epub (Kobo), Epub (Adobe)
- Publication Date:
- Language:
- English
- Publisher:
- V&S Publishers
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