Heavenly Breakfast

Heavenly Breakfast

by Samuel R. Delany
Publication Date: 25/01/2021

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Acclaimed author Samuel R. Delany’s memoir of his time living in a commune that was also a rock band in New York’s Lower East Side in the winter of 1967–1968.

“I couldn’t talk about life at Heavenly Breakfast without talking about drugs and sex. Yet I couldn’t mention either without their falling into value matrices set up by other people which precluded what I really wanted to discuss: the texture and affectivity of life lived humanely, day by day.”

In this Constellation Press ebook edition, several people’s names have been restored to their real-life names (instead of the pseudonyms used in the earlier paper editions), by request of the author. This edition also includes some notes about the members of the band, and a note giving biographical context about what was going on in Delany’s life before and after the period described in the book.


Biography: literary
Publication Date:
Constellation Press

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