Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned...
Just out of college, Belladonna Mateohas invested with her two childhood best friends--Ori Williams and Marsh Crichton--in opening a boutique in Madison, Wisconsin that specializes in their combined, unique talents. When her mother dies, suddenly Bella's share of the investment dwindles to nothing, and all their plans seem in jeopardy. That is, until Bella learns she's inherited an old ruin of a house in Bloodmoon Cove. Without the financial means to otherwise go forward with their career plans, the house seems like a boon. While the town is little more than a speck on the map in Erie County, the northern Wisconsin location has some business potential considering there's nothing like what they'll be offering for an hour in any direction. The house is certainly big enough to provide not only the workshop and retail space they require, but also living space for all three of them, including Bella's younger half-brother when he visits.
Bella and Marsh travel to Bloodmoon Cove to get things set up, finding only minor renovation is needed despite that the imposing tower was damaged in a lightning storm more than 50 years ago and there may be toxic mold in the attic. Bella and Marsh joke about the house being haunted because of weird disturbances, but Bella can't shake that one ghost in particular is trying desperately to communicate with her. Her great grandfather was an illegal alien who left Cuba to escape a suicidally unhappy girl with just one solace in her life…
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