“For such are false apostles, deceitful workers, transforming themselves into the apostles of Christ. And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light” (2 Cor. 11:13, 14).
The days in which you and I are living are days in which Christians need to know their Bibles, for the only way by which we may know whether or not a system of teaching is of God is by viewing the system through the lens of Holy Writ—reading the system in the light of the Bible and not reading the Bible in the light of the system.
Because of the crying need of Biblical light on these erroneous teachings, I gave a series of addresses in the Church of the Open Door, on “The Cult Kingdom,” selecting ten of the most damaging heresies for discussion. When people saw them revealed in the searchlight of God’s Word a large number of men and women, held in their grip, were mercifully delivered.
This created a wide-spread interest among God’s children, culminating in a demand for the printing of these addresses so that others, caught in the meshes of false doctrine, might also find freedom.
I was about to comply with this request when I discovered a book compiled by William C. Irvine, called “HERESIES EXPOSED.” This book completely covers not only the ten cults I exposed, but many others, so instead of publishing my addresses I have arranged with the writer to allow me to print this special edition of his excellent work. By so doing we meet the demand of friends for this material and provide my radio audience with another valuable book.
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