The Sony A7/A7R and A7S is a robust, well made, weather sealed, comfortable to handle and highly customizable camera. There are enough dials and dedicated buttons that there's rarely the need to venture into the menus. For framing shots, it offers both a large, high resolution, tilting screen as well as a detailed viewfinder that's even comfortable to use with eyeglasses.
No one has time and expertise to master or understand the 500 + pages of manual, so there remains many hidden features which are in fact not only useful but time saving and remove the frustration. It is also very helpful to know some of the tricks and tips for using these camera more professionally.
If you have a quick look at the various internet photo boards, you will soon realise that you are not alone on that boat. There are a 'bunch' of puzzled, or worse, frustrated, A7/R/S owners scratching their heads and wondering why on Earth the cameras hasn’t turn them into Henri Cartier-Bresson, and Ansel Adams, or… (insert name of photography hero) yet.
So in hope of helping those fazed Sony users, here are my more than 40 Hidden features, tips and Tricks for Sony A7/R/S Camera. I am sure after going through it you will have a peaceful and rewarding Sony A7/R/S experience.
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