Hitler Did It

Hitler Did It

by David Vernon
Publication Date: 10/05/2015

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Have you noticed how much can happen in fifteen minutes? You can sit with a child and complete a thirty-six piece jigsaw puzzle. You can clean a bathroom. Wash the car. The dog. Yourself, including the tri-weekly hair shampoo. Or, have a conversation that will change your life.

— from 'Fifteen Minutes' by Rebecca Raisin

“You’re running late today, Father,” Mrs Heagney observed as he stepped out of his car. “The store should have been open half an hour ago.” Mrs Doyle, standing beside her, nodded gravely in agreement.

“My apologies, ladies,” said Father Kennedy. “It’s chilly this morning and I had trouble starting the car.”

He had in fact remained in bed longer than usual keeping warm waiting for the sun to rise and bring much needed heat into the rectory. Better to employ a judicious lie now, he thought rather than invite criticism of a perceived indulgence at their expense. He could seek forgiveness later. He’d have a better chance with the Lord anyway, he thought ruefully.

— from 'Lay of the Land' by Charles E Brister

Robbie invested three weeks in pub dinners and movies before finally parking his Mini outside Olga’s flat and walking her to the door. It had taken longer than expected but there was an intensity about her that intrigued him. And sometimes she had seemed keen and then at other times there was a wall between them. But tonight he felt would be different. Wordlessly she took his hand and led him inside. As he unbuttoned Olga’s blouse, Robbie thought: “Better go easy, I’m probably the first.”

— from 'Just a Notch' by John Poole

Here are twenty-one unique, contemporary and entertaining short stories, chosen from some of the best entries in the Stringybark Short Story Awards and other clever tales that sail across the desk at Stringybark Stories. Selected by David Vernon this anthology is the fourth book in the Stringybark Editor's Choice series. Other books in the collection include: The Bridge, Between the Sheets and Yellow Pearl.

Short stories
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David Vernon

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