Hope for a 2nd Chance

Hope for a 2nd Chance

by Jennifer Brown
Publication Date: 11/06/2015

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Do you have hurts, habits or addictions to overcome in your life?

Do you yearn for recovery from scars and beatings your life has endured?

Would you like life-coping skills and self-esteem?

Do you want freedom from obstacles and road-blocks that ruin your life?

Do you want to feel good about yourself and have hope for a better life?

You will find the answers to your questions from true life stories in this book.

Sit back in your chair, fasten your seat belt, hang on tight and BLAST OFF to a better life.

Mental health services
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Jennifer Brown
Jennifer Brown

Jennifer Brown is the founder, president, and CEO of Jennifer Brown Consulting and the host of The Will to Change podcast, which uncovers true stories of diversity and inclusion. Brown's workplace strategies have been employed by top Fortune 500 companies and nonprofits. As a successful LGBT entrepreneur, Brown has been featured by media such as the New York Times, Bloomberg Businessweek, Forbes, Fortune, Inc., the Wall Street Journal, HuffPost Live, CBS, Fox News, and many more.

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