Horizon Scanning

Horizon Scanning

by Patrick J McKennaDavid Galbenski Mary E Juetten and others
Epub (Kobo), Epub (Adobe)
Publication Date: 31/07/2021

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If we could know in 2020 what we will know in 2025 (only five foreseeable years into the future), how would we change our attitudes, actions, and the way in which we practice law, the services we offer, the clients we target, and the ways in which we choose to deliver our services? Indeed - if we could have known a year ago the events of the first three months in 2020, what might we have done to prepare? The American writer and humorist, Mark Twain, advised: "When everybody is out digging for gold, the business to be in is selling shovels!" So, what foreseeable trend may represent the figurative "shovel" that every client will need tomorrow?

Legal profession: general
Epub (Kobo), Epub (Adobe)
Publication Date:
Globe Law and Business
Paul Williams

Paul Williams is Ireland's leading crime writer and one of its most respected journalists. For over three decades his courageous and ground-breaking investigative work has won him multiple awards. He is the author of ten previous bestselling books and has also researched written and presented a number of major TV crime series.

His first book The General was adapted for the award-winning movie of the same name by John Boorman. He is a former presenter on Newstalk Breakfast and currently writes for the Irish Independent. Williams holds an A in Criminology and is a registered member of the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists based in Washington DC.

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