It’s indeed intriguing why someone who doesn't enjoy reading or writing would decide to author a book. It seems unlikely for someone with no prior experience or desire to write a book would choose to publish one. Yet, perhaps there's a profound underlying reason behind such a choice. This book invites us to ponder if there's something beyond the ordinary human experience at work within us. It prompts us to consider the possibility of a deeper connection guiding our paths. It could be that the message in this book is meant to be read by the person who is holding this book in their hands and is reading this right now.
- 9798765251287
- 9798765251287
- Spirituality & religious experience
- Format:
- Epub (Kobo), Epub (Adobe)
- Publication Date:
- Language:
- English
- Publisher:
- Balboa Press
This item is delivered digitally
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