How To Be Creative In Your Thinking

How To Be Creative In Your Thinking

by Carmel O' Reilly
Publication Date: 18/02/2023

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Welcome to my book about how to be creative in your thinking throughout the chapters of your WorkLife Story. Here is a preview of what’s inside, along with the main ideas and the meaning behind these.

WorkLife is our life at work, where we spend one third of our lives. It is also the impact our work has on our life outside of work, and the impact our life outside of work has on our work. All areas of our life in and out of work are so intrinsically linked, they cannot be separated, nor do I believe should they. I believe WorkLife needs to be considered holistically.

“Creativity is imagination and imagination is for everyone.” (Paul Arden)

In this book I tell four stories:

  1. Creative Thinking – If You Have a Problem or Question You Also Have the Answer Within You: Jack’s story of how by busying himself doing something somewhat, but not directly, related to his problem, brought about the resolution he needed.

  2. The Strategies I Use to Move Forward When I’m Feeling Blocked Or Stuck Or I Have Unanswered Questions: Carmel’s story of the different strategies she’s learnt to adopt for when she’s feeling blocked or stuck in her thinking.

  3. What’s the Worst Thing Anyone Has Ever Said to You: Carmel’s story of how she recovered from the worst thing anyone could possibly have said to her.

  4. The Path of Curiosity to Creativity Leads to a Hobby/Interest TurnedSide-Hustle to Work Portfolio:

Bella’s story of how following her curiosity led her to creating a work portfolio that connected her Italian culture to her work as a voice-over artist in a new way.

I share the exercises that helped to work through these challenging situations to resolve the dilemmas. I present these exercises as the following assignments for you to work through:

Creating Your Best Creative Practices and Rituals Assignment

This assignment is to help you to create the best environment for those breakthrough moments in your thinking to happen.

Develop a Practice of Continuous Self-Feedback Assignment

This assignment is to help you to free your mind to think about what matters most, to help your creative wheels turn faster.

Develop a Practice of Insightful and Effective Self-Questioning Assignment

This assignment is to help you to learn to use questions to unlock your imagination.

Recognise and Take Ownership of Your Creativity Assignment

This assignment is to help you to think about what’s unique about you and your creativity.

Let Your Curiosity Guide Your Creativity in Seven Steps Assignment

This assignment is to help you take a step-by-step approach from curiosity to creativity.

Publication Date:
Carmel O' Reilly

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