Discover 20 incredibly helpful tips to keep your confidence level high, and your problems low as you travel the world.
Travelling the world doesn NOT need to be incredibly difficuly or expensive!
You don't need a billion dollars to travel so if your interested in budget traveling and becoming an experienced traveler give this book a try.
Have you ever not traveled because you thought to yourself:
● It's too expensive. I'm not a billionaire I can't afford it.
● My friends don't want to come, plus it's too scary and boring to travel alone.
● I'm not even sure where to start, as it's all overwhelming.
● I have no idea what to do when I get there.
● I don't speak multiple languages so I can't communicate with people around the world.
● It's such a long flight and I feel like I will forget things.
● Right now is just not the best time to travel
I solve these problems and many more with real life stories plus firsthand lessons of what not to do.
It is great to learn things through personal experience, but to be the very best version of yourself and a great world traveler, you must learn from others stories and advice.
After traveling to over 50 countries & 200 cities by means of all types of transportation and accommodation, you learn a lot.
Spend a couple hours reading this book and I guarantee that you won't regret it!
I mean what's the worst that can happen... you travel for free and see legendary things with your new international friends?
So grab your copy, and start filling your life with incredible travel stories of your own, the expert way!
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