How To Break Demonic Oppressions

How To Break Demonic Oppressions

by Selorm Michaels-Amega
Publication Date: 30/03/2024

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The topic on deliverance, demonic manifestation and oppression have been widely opposed and misconceived in our today's world; the worst is what happens in the church. Your ignorance about the existence of demons and how they operate among men does not mean they do not exist; it's only shows that you are already oppressed by them. The ignorance in our world today is so pronounced that many live and die without realizing God's purpose for their lives. Demonic oppression is real and those who fail to break its power over their lives and destinies will live to blame God.

The book in your hands is all you need to break the aggression launched at you from the kingdom of darkness with the aim to limit your performance and make you mean and irrelevant in life.

Christian mission & evangelism
Publication Date:
​Selorm Michaels-Amega

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