Tony Parsons
A. D. (Tony) Parsons, OAM, has worked as a professional sheep and wool classer, an agricultural journalist, a news editor and rural commentator on radio, a consultant to major agricultural companies, and an award-winning stud breeder of animals and poultry.
He owned his first Kelpie dog in 1944, and in 1950 he established 'Karrawarra', one of the top Kelpie studs in Australia. In 1992 he was awarded the Order of Australia Medal for his contribution to the propagation of the Australian Kelpie Sheepdog.
Since 1947 he has written hundreds of articles, many for international publications. His previous books include The Australian Kelpie, The Working Kelpie and Training the Working Kelpie, now regarded as classic works on the breed. He has also written four novels, including The Call of the High Country, Valley of the White Gold and Silver in the Sun.
Tony passed away on 20 July 2022 at the age of 91.
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