The perfect books for aspiring young artists, the How to Draw series is a fantastic way to get kids drawing in seconds. With simple instructions and step-by-step illustrations children can learn to draw 15 different illustrations, from simple outlines to detailed, colourful drawings. Written and illustrated by experienced artists, these beautiful books contain a wealth of information about drawing techniques and feature galleries highlighting different styles, materials and ideas for extra inspiration.
Simple step-by-step illustrations
Learn to draw a variety of themes
Zoom in boxes look at professional skills up-close
Each spread features examples and ideas for different materials and mediums to use
Technique pages give a masterclass in creating different effects
Gallery of examples for extra inspiration
- 9781848107472
- 9781848107472
- Educational: Art & design
- Format:
- Epub (Kobo - Fixed Layout)
- Publication Date:
- Language:
- English
- Publisher:
- Miles Kelly Publishing
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