Why have I written This Book?
The topic of building assertiveness and learning to work with one's own fear is broad and has many important contexts. Each of these contexts affects the outcome of our reactions.
The fear of being oneself can be described in many ways:
Stockholm Syndrome, self-harm, being a victim, depression, mania, addictions...
These are the main currents of emotional freezing within one's own body.
In this guide, I have presented exercises that help in freeing oneself from all the above-mentioned external symptoms of being entangled by fear.
Based on observations and personal experiences, it is best to start practicing now because there is no other way to liberate yourself from what holds you back than working on yourself from the basics. Of course, this cannot be the only way to activate your courage. There are many alternative solutions, and this guide is one of them.
Remember, if you decide to stay where you are instead of working on yourself, the repair process will take twice as long in the future as it would if you started now.
Because the circuits in your brain responsible for reflexive reactions and behavior CONTRARY TO YOUR OWN NEEDS WILL BECOME EVEN MORE BURNED INTO YOUR NEURAL CONNECTIONS. And it will be harder to change them than if you started now.
Therefore, I recommend not waiting to start making changes – if you start acting today, you will achieve your goal faster and more efficiently.
So, are you waiting or acting? ❤️ The decision is up to you. I admit that I explained away all the situations that hurt me for a long time, thereby postponing the moment of speaking assertively.
You can not only save yourself but also the rest of the world, because the more of us there are who do not adjust to psychological and/or physical violence against us, the safer we will feel and the more we will be able to resolve any disputes in a peaceful way.
And then it's just a short step to WORLD of PEACE.
Namaste and with love,
Agnieszka ❤️
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