How To Grow Intimacy In Marriage

How To Grow Intimacy In Marriage

by John Martin
Epub (Kobo), Epub (Adobe)
Publication Date: 03/04/2023

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Attention: To grow intimacy in your marriage, the first step is to pay attention to your partner's needs and desires. Make an effort to listen to them and understand what they want.

Interest: Show interest in your partner's life, dreams, and aspirations. Share your own thoughts and feelings with them. Create a safe and comfortable environment where you can openly communicate with each other.

Desire: Build desire by creating opportunities for physical intimacy, such as holding hands, cuddling, or kissing. Also, try to engage in activities that you both enjoy, such as going for walks, watching movies, or cooking together.

Action: Take action to strengthen your bond by being thoughtful and considerate. Show appreciation for the things your partner does for you, and do little things to make them feel loved and cared for. Make time for each other, and prioritize your relationship above other distractions.

In summary, to grow intimacy in marriage, you need to pay attention to your partner, show interest, build desire, and take action to strengthen your bond. By following these steps, you can create a deeper, more meaningful connection with your spouse.

Family & relationships
Epub (Kobo), Epub (Adobe)
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John Martin
John Martin

John Martin is the author of Choose Your Perspective, Empower Yourself, and Increase Your Personal Productivity.

He provides content to help you analyze your mindset, align your goals with your strengths, and take action regardless of your current situation.

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