How to Know for Sure

How to Know for Sure

by Dave E. Richardson
Epub (Kobo), Epub (Adobe)
Publication Date: 09/03/2023

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No one likes to think about dying, but it's a reality of life that all of us have to deal with, sooner or later. It seems logical that if Christianity is true and Jesus is real, then he would have wanted us to know for sure where we are going after death. This book takes the words attributed to Jesus in the Bible and provides a logical explanation for creation, giving the reader a way to know for sure if they are bound for heaven or bound for hell. The thirteen chapters are thirteen sermons that start at the beginning of every spiritual journey ("Why am I here?") and take the reader on a logical journey that ends with a way for the reader to know what their true spiritual condition is. The purpose of the book is to explain the gospel in logical language and then offer Jesus' words as proof of the authenticity or falsehood of the reader's conversion experience by the presence or absence of four basic character traits about which Jesus taught frequently. If you read the book, by the last page you will know for sure.

Christian theology
Epub (Kobo), Epub (Adobe)
Publication Date:
Wipf and Stock Publishers

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