How to Save a Broken Marriage

How to Save a Broken Marriage

by John Martin
Epub (Kobo), Epub (Adobe)
Publication Date: 03/04/2023

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The first step in saving a broken marriage is to get your partner's attention. You need to make them aware that you want to work on the relationship and that you are willing to put in the effort to make things better. Start by scheduling a time to talk and being fully present during the conversation.


Once you have your partner's attention, you need to pique their interest by explaining why you want to save the marriage. Highlight the positive aspects of your relationship, such as shared memories, experiences, and goals. Focus on how your partner makes you feel and how important they are to you.


To create a desire in your partner to save the marriage, you need to show them that you are committed to making changes. Acknowledge any mistakes you have made and take responsibility for your actions. Identify the issues that have caused the breakdown in the relationship and come up with a plan to address them. Be open to feedback and suggestions from your partner.


The final step is to take action to save the marriage. This could involve attending counseling sessions, making time for each other, setting goals together, and practicing good communication skills. Be patient and persistent, as rebuilding a broken marriage takes time and effort. Celebrate small victories along the way and keep reminding your partner how much you love and value them.

Epub (Kobo), Epub (Adobe)
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John Martin
John Martin

John Martin is the author of Choose Your Perspective, Empower Yourself, and Increase Your Personal Productivity.

He provides content to help you analyze your mindset, align your goals with your strengths, and take action regardless of your current situation.

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