This book is an historical and a political account of the Kashmir Conflict going on in SouthAsia. It is most often described as the most dangerous conflict in the world as the two belligerent nations involved in it i.e. India and Pakistan are armed with nuclear bombs. India describes the Kashmir Conflict as a domestic issue whereas Pakistan sees it as an area which was denied to it during the 1947 partition. How are the entrapped Kashmiri folk going to win their freedom? How are they going to liberate themselves from the human rights violations at the hands of the brutal Indian army? This book seeks to answer these questions and many as it takes the reader through a maze of achieving a free and a utopian world.
- 6610000727643
- 6610000727643
- Peace studies & conflict resolution
- Format:
- Epub (Kobo), Epub (Adobe)
- Publication Date:
- Language:
- English
- Publisher:
- Publishdrive
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