Anyone can wirte a Will. But not everyone can write a tax efficient Will.
In this book you will learn how to write a valid Will, if you live in the United Kingdom. How to save BIG on Lasting Powers of Attorney and how to apply the inheritance tax provisions to save 40% more of your estate for your loved ones based on your personal circumstances, if you are:
- single, with no children and no home.
- single with no children but own a home.
- single with children and a home.
- married with no children
- married with children
- married with children and a home
- married with a merged family:
- Married with children from a former relationship.
- married with a home, children from former relationships and a Business
- Divorced
Own a Business
- Own a business
or if you are just:
Filthy rich.
This book, How to Write a Tax Efficient Will, is all you need and is taylored to your personal circumstances.
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