How To Write Like An English Teacher!
User friendly Humorous writing handbook
- You will learn:How you can immediately and confidently write A+ essays in any language by using EZ writing formulas.
- The 3 worst writing mistakes every student makes & how to avoid them.
- How basic EZ Writing Formulas will Guarantee an A+ essay paper every time.
- The hidden secrets of how English teachers really grade your essay papers.
- These EZ formulas will decide your future college, career, or promotion.
- How to write a great essay once and then repeat it again and again for future success.
- How to pass any essay writing test every time.
Dedicated to all of you who struggle to find your voice.
- 9781393728863
- 9781393728863
- Education
- Publication Date:
- Language:
- English
- Publisher:
- Callie Shay Publishing
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