I can put my face in is an engaging and interactive children's book that encourages young readers to explore their own water skills through fun and relatable activities. Each page introduces a child with a new water-related achievement—whether it’s pouring water on their face, blowing bubbles, diving for dive sticks, or even hosting a tea party under the water. The book invites readers to compare their abilities with those of the characters, fostering a sense of curiosity and confidence in learning new skills. Perfect for young swimmers, I can put my face in inspires children to embrace the joy of water and encourages them to practice their own skills, one step at a time.
- 9781966198109
- 9781966198109
- Swimming & water sports (Children's / Teenage)
- Format:
- Epub (Kobo), Epub (Adobe)
- Publication Date:
- Language:
- English
- Publisher:
- America Publishers
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