I Was Paid to Get Wet

I Was Paid to Get Wet

by Donald Green
Publication Date: 26/03/2019

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While this book is probably one of many on the subject, we hope you enjoy this record of Don’s career, have a laugh at some of the ‘dits’, and learn a bit more about the best branch of the Royal Navy, the Diving Branch, and life in the Royal Navy.

My husband, Don, has asked me to write this introduction to his memoirs which I am pleased to do.

As his wife of 52 years I have been hanging around in the background of his career in the Royal Navy, and a participant in many of his activities, and it has not been boring.

This is an account of a life well led, in the Senior Service, in a branch of the Royal Navy unlike any other branch. Life as a Clearance Diver, with the encouragement and camaraderie of his peers, has been physically challenging, entertaining, exciting, and at times, downright unpleasant, but he has never regretted his choices.

For my part, while he has been swanning around the world, I have involved him in some alternative activities, which he has happily gone along with on his return to the fold. He has also been constant in his help and support for me with regards to the care of my Mother, over a period of 36 years! Probably a record, for which I thank him.

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