In collaboration with Consulting Editor, Dr. Cynthia Bautista, Dr. Mary Amatangelo has put together a comprehensive issue on nursing priorities for the stroke patient. Expert authors have contributed clinical review articles on the following topics: The Neurologic Exam; Large Vessel Occlusion; Blood Pressure Control for Ischemic Stroke; Malignant Hemispheric Stroke; Priority Nursing Interventions Caring for the Stroke Patient; Monitoring for Post-Stroke Seizures; Cryptogenic Stroke; In-House Stroke Code; Why Stroke Certification Matters; Stroke Rehabilitation; and Ethical Concerns in Caring for the Stroke Patient. Readers will come away with the information they need to improve outcomes for stroke patients in the ICU.
- 9780323711005
- 9780323711005
- Intensive care nursing
- Format:
- Epub (Kobo), Epub (Adobe)
- Publication Date:
- Language:
- English
- Publisher:
- Elsevier
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