Thank you for your interest in IELTS Academic and General Training Listening Practice Tests. This ebook contains listening practice test questions based on real questions asked in the academic and general listening exams. You'll be able to use these listening practice test texts to prepare for the real test. Note that, to make this a low cost and quick way to get you started on practicing for the listening tests, there is no expensive audio accompanying this ebook, as that would triple the price.
This series of ebooks is for students needing to increase their band score for permanent residency, university entrance and visa approval. You can ask your tutors, teachers, friends and family to read the scripts to you, and you can practise answering listening test with their help. Or, if you have an ebook app that can read aloud to you, you can set it to read the listening script.
These questions have been created after many discussions with IELTS examiners, IELTS teachers and especially IELTS students who have described the sort of questions they get in the real IELTS exams. Through practising answering these questions, and other questions in the series, you’ll be able to become more familiar with the types of questions asked in IELTS tests and be better able to respond confidently.
Many IELTS experts suggest that you should begin practicing for the IELTS exam at least 6 months in advance. That means, to get band 7 or even higher, you might need to do at least 180 practice tests!
We recommend you add IELTS Academic and General Training Listening Practice Tests to your collection, and begin practicing answering difficult questions in English as soon as possible.
Wishing you all the best in your exams.
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