In Truth, Madness

In Truth, Madness

by Imran Khan
Epub (Kobo), Epub (Adobe)
Publication Date: 19/10/2023

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Meet Malek Khalil, a brilliant reporter with decades of experience in the field, and a man on the edge. Where there is war, natural disaster or political crisis, Malek is in the midst of it, but years of conflict reporting have taken their toll and he is slowly unravelling.

Born a Muslim but an atheist to his core, Malek's voyage takes him around the world and back in time to ancient Babylon as he finds himself arguing with a God in whom he doesn't believe. A keen reader, his 'madness' is heightened by a strange book that keeps appearing on his Kindle, telling the stories of people he has briefly encountered during his career.

In Truth, Madness takes place throughout the Middle East, South Asia and London against a backdrop of war, religion, political skullduggery and emerging love, taking the reader on a tumultuous journey through the most dangerous arenas of modern culture and the ancient world. Is Malek losing his mind, or is he experiencing an astonishing kind of truth?

"A Neil Gaiman style spectacular set across the ancient and present day Middle East."

Laury Silvers, author, The Sufi Mysteries Quartet

"A beautifully written, magical tale of mental health and international news."

Dareen Abughaida, principal anchor, Al Jazeera English

Epub (Kobo), Epub (Adobe)
Publication Date:
Breakthrough Books

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