In Wells' Time

In Wells' Time

by David Nash
Publication Date: 06/02/2024

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Life is short. We blink, and it is gone. In a world filled with joy and pain, beauty and magic, how does one even attempt to experience it all? How can a person possibly find that moment of nirvana and hold on to it forever? For most of us, we call the day a success if we simply get out of the door on time. Wells Lowell Monasmith, however, has a secret, one that has been passed down for generations allowing certain individuals the chance to have their cake and eat it too. A chance to hold on to those special moments a little longer.

As the Monasmith family gathers at the funeral of their only brother and son, they learn about an unbelievable familial trait that has been hidden from them for their entire lives. With a little post-humanous help from their son, Margaret and Charles Monasmith must guide their adult children through the implications of the power that courses through their veins.

In Wells' Time is the story of a family with a little magic in their blood. For Wells, it is both a gift and a curse. For his family, it is a reality they must come to terms with as they learn from the triumphs and failures of the brother who died too young and lived an entire life between the pages of time. With any luck, the Monasmith family might just get a little closer to answering the question: How should we spend our time?

Publication Date:
Unsolicited Press
David Nash

David Nash is a verifiable preparedness MacGyver.

He is both an academically trained professional emergency manager as well as a personal prepper.

Nash is also an urban homesteader who raises a variety of animals, bees, and plants in a small suburban yard.

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