Incognita; Or, Love and Duty Reconcil'd

Incognita; Or, Love and Duty Reconcil'd

by William Congreve
Epub (Kobo), Epub (Adobe)
Publication Date: 04/09/2022

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William Congreve's 'Incognita; Or, Love and Duty Reconcil'd' is a narrative that weaves a delicate tapestry of intrigue and romance within the framework of Restoration comedy. Congreve's prose, rich with the wit and linguistic flourish characteristic of the era, explores the complex interplay between love's spontaneity and the rigid constraints of societal duty. Set against a vivid backdrop of seventeenth-century social mores, this novella offers a keen insight into class distinctions and gender roles of the time, rendered in a style both playful and prescient, serving as a precursor to the novel as a literary form. The text, meticulously preserved by DigiCat Publishing, is presented with the reverence appropriate for such an enduring piece of literary heritage and is a critical addition to the canon of early English literature. William Congreve, a luminary of English literature, forged his reputation in the late 17th and early 18th centuries as a master playwright, poet, and librettist. The inception of 'Incognita; Or, Love and Duty Reconcil'd' can be seen as an exercise in exploring narrative form and human psychology. Known for his scintillating comedies of manners, which mirrored and critiqued the opulent and morally lax society of his time, Congreve imbued his works with a sharpness of wit and precision of character often drawn from his own experiences and observations amidst the aristocratic circles of Restoration England. 'Incognita; Or, Love and Duty Reconcil'd' is recommended for those who cherish not only the evolution of the English novel but also the finesse of character-driven storytelling. Readers will delight in Congreve's clever subversion of romantic convention and the duality of human motivation, captured with a freshness that remains resonant. Scholars and enthusiasts of literary history will find in this work a pivotal point of study, and modern readers will be charmed by the enduring pertinence of its themes and the brilliance with which Congreve lays bare the perennial dance of love and duty.

Epub (Kobo), Epub (Adobe)
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