Institutional violence is not an abstract phenomenon; on the contrary, it implies a way of materializing the threat or concreteness in the violation of human rights that manifests itself on various occasions and in various ways.
The power relations of the State and its institutions are broad and therefore must be based on the same analysis of each of the institutions and not on viceversa so as not to bias or bias the existence or not of a possible typification of institutional violence.
With this perspective I delve into what and how many the functions of the state are in order to determine that institutional violence occurs in the sphere of action of every State, in fact, in the fulfillment of each of the functions developed by it and not necessarily as exclusively in police, penitentiary or dictatorship abuses.
In the realm of the judiciary, it is ultimately the members of the administration of justice who can consent to or intentionally provoke institutional violence, disguising these unlawful acts of legality or legitimacy in the form of judicial decisions or other procedural acts.
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