Intelligent Governance

Intelligent Governance

by Paquet and Christopher Wilson
Epub (Kobo), Epub (Adobe)
Publication Date: 01/07/2022

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Striking the right fit between resources, processes, and outcomes in complex environments, where different groups have something to contribute towards joint outcomes, even though they partake in joint operations in the pursuit of their own objectives This is what intelligent governance is all about. It is the practical application of an evolving worldview that is a less conflictive, more intelligent, more cooperative and a wiser mode of human coordination. This short book proposes some guideposts for intelligent governance. It does not put forward a rigid blueprint or a recipe that could mechanically and blindly be followed, but a prototype for a process of inquiry seeking to help organizations find a way forward (through innovation and value adding), some general indications about the most toxic pitfalls likely to materialize mental prisons, lack of mindfulness, etc. and comments about the most promising opportunities or initiatives likely to nudge the coordinating inquiries into successful directions.

Social & cultural anthropology
Epub (Kobo), Epub (Adobe)
Publication Date:
University of Ottawa Press
Christopher Wilson

Christopher Wilson is the author of novels including Gallimauf's Gospel, Baa, Blueglass, Mischief, Fou, The Wurd, The Ballad of Lee Cotton and Nookie. His work has been translated into several languages, adapted for the stage, longlisted for the Booker Prize, and twice shortlisted for the Whitbread Fiction Prize.

Wilson completed a published PhD on the psychology of humour at LSE, worked as a research psychologist at UCL, The London Hospital and The Arts Council, and lectured for ten years at Goldsmiths' College, London University. He has taught creative writing in prisons, at university and for The Arvon Foundation.

Wilson has also established a couple of new imprints - Lollapalooza and MojoBooks - as e-publishers of fiction, poetry and books on cultural studies and body-politics. He lives in North London.

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