Introduction to Game Programming using Processing

Introduction to Game Programming using Processing

by Daniel Cermak-Sassenrath
Epub (Kobo), Epub (Adobe)
Publication Date: 27/06/2024

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This is an introductory textbook focusing on games (specifically interaction and graphics) as a pathway into programming. It empowers readers to do basic programming, prototyping, game creation, and other highly interactive applications, all from scratch and without any prior programming knowledge.

Using the popular programming language Processing, this book describes, explains, and demonstrates the basic and general programming principles and mechanisms used in typical game algorithms and concrete game projects. Chapters cover basic graphics, text output, loops, data types and variables, movement, time, audio and sound, debugging, classes and objects, event-based programming, real-time input controls, computer speed compensation, animation, tiling, scrolling, collision detection, basic AI, and much more. Additional support materials such as code examples and demo programs are available to download from this book’s webpage.

This book is a great resource for students and aspiring professionals looking for an approachable entry into game programming.

Games development & programming
Epub (Kobo), Epub (Adobe)
Publication Date:
CRC Press

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