Congratulations on your decision to make the journey into home canning and preservation. You are probably already imagining everything you can do with all those fruits and vegetables from your own garden or from the farmer's market. Making the decision to learn how to can and preserve at home is certainly a wise decision because it means that you can enjoy the benefits of fresh fruit and vegetables throughout the year.
No experience with canning? Concerned that you won't be able to properly can and preserve food because the process seems complicated or because you do not have any experience? Do not worry. This guide is going to walk you through every step of the process.
Curious about how the canning process works? Does it seem confusing to you? It's actually very simple. In fact, it is much simpler than you might think. When food is canned, it is important for it to be heated to a certain temperature. At the correct temperature, any germs that might cause the food to be spoiled will be killed. In addition, heat forces air to vacate the jar. As the jar begins to cool, it will automatically seal. Once the jar is sealed it prevents bacteria from entering the jar. As a result, your canned food will keep for many years to come.
The types of foods that you are able to can and preserve are almost limitless. Not only are you able to can fresh fruits and vegetables so that they can be enjoyed later, but once you learn the basics of canning and preserving you will also be able to make delicious jams and jellies, pickles and much more.
Are you ready to learn how to preserve savory fruits and vegetables?
Let's get started!
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