The first work ever to detail ethics for sign language interpreters in the Middle East. Taken from my work in the Gulf as a mentor and teacher to budding interpreters in the region, I combine, modify, and expand on the broadly accepted principles stress-tested in the West and supervised by RID to fit with Islam and Gulf culture.
Whether you are a student dreaming of being an interpreter in the Gulf, the Levant, or North Africa, or a talented interpreter yourself, this is an essential component to the education of any sign language interpreter in a Muslim country, and, for Westerners, an excellent examination of a culture both multifaceted and unique.
14,000 words, first edition (May 2024), in both English and Arabic in Paperback, and English in ePUB. Has exercises to help students understand the principles, sub-principles, and described techniques. Presumes knowledge of sign language, ideally Arabic Sign Language or a related dialect.
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