Islam in Simple Terms

Islam in Simple Terms

by Tarek Hegazy
Publication Date: 28/08/2015

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This book is a nice mix of logical explanations about faith and professionally made cartoon art. The main statement of the book is that belief should not be blind and that Judaism, Christianity, and Islam are versions of one religion.

Naturally, many difficult questions come to our minds about the existence of God, the purpose of life, etc. And with the fast pace of our lives today, any answers have to be short, scientifically correct, and logical. Such an approach to explaining religion, specifically Islam, is generally missing. Among the well-known people who used logic to recognize that the universe has a creator worthy of worship, is Prophet Abraham (Ibrahim in Arabic). No wonder he is the father of the single Abrahamic religion that evolved in different editions including Judaism, Christianity, then Islam. The core beliefs of all versions are threefold: believing in the one merciful creator who has no partners; striving to obey God by doing good in this life; and believing in the afterlife as God’s fair reward system.

Islam, the last version of the single Abrahamic religion, came to humanity when our civilization became intellectually mature. Thus, science, logic, and discovery became our tools of checking the truth about anything. Because Islam well suits this intellectual era, it is the only religion that calls upon us to stop believing blindly and to use the tools of today to search for the truth about core religious beliefs. Taking an Islamic perspective, therefore, this book presents simple logical arguments for the existence of a merciful God, the authenticity of Islam and its book “the Qur’an”, and the practicality of God’s latest guidelines in the Qur’an to build a God conscious society that allows peaceful coexistence for all people of all religions. The book ends with simple answers to common difficult questions that come to mind about God, religion, and Islam.

This book is for everyone. For those who would like a quick overall view on Islam and its concepts of life and living; for a Muslim parent to initiate discussion with children using the cartoon as a visual aid; and for Muslim youth to have a concise fast-food type of reasonable logic behind Islamic concepts, with links to many additional resources. A full color quality print book is available almost at print cost. It will soon come in other languages too. You can find more information at the book’s web

Islamic theology
Publication Date:
Tarek Hegazy

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