Israeli Soldier vs Syrian Soldier

Israeli Soldier vs Syrian Soldier

by Mr David Campbell and Johnny Shumate
Epub (Kobo), Epub (Adobe)
Publication Date: 02/11/2022

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Israel seized the strategically critical Golan Heights from Syria during the 1967 Six Day War in an audacious and determined operation, yet when the Yom Kippur War broke out the Israeli military were exposed by the effectiveness of the newly confident and dangerous Syrian army. In the Golan only luck, herculean Israeli efforts and tactical misjudgements by the Syrians were to allow the Israelis to maintain control. In this book, three pivotal encounters in the Golan are assessed, supported by artwork, maps and photographs, tracking how both sides' forces evolved over the period.

Military history: post WW2 conflicts
Epub (Kobo), Epub (Adobe)
Publication Date:
Bloomsbury Publishing
Johnny Shumate

Johnny Shumate began his career in 1987 after graduating from Austin Peay State University, and now works as a freelance illustrator. Most of his work is rendered in Adobe Photoshop using a Cintiq monitor. His greatest influences are Angus McBride, Don Troiani and Edouard Detaille. He lives in Tennessee.

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