It Never Happened

It Never Happened

by Peter Coomber
Publication Date: 17/12/2016

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The forty-five short stories in this collection are dark; humorous; off-beat with a twist; and occasionally puerile. If you enjoy reading Dahl or Saki you might well enjoy reading these (it's a theory, but not necessarily a good one).

Ragu The Eskimo - They say the innuit language has fifty words to describe fifty type of snow. Ragu hated all fifty types of snow.

Blood - There's only so much evidence a small Jack Russell can dispose of.

Belief Is Everything - Albert Ross and Des Carts set off to find out whether America exists.

Crime - The butler did it, but where's the proof?

Autumn 1797 - The man from Porlock has come to fix the drains.

It Never Happened - Victor was a dreamer. A man with more going on in his head than there was going on in the world around him. A drift of cloud across the sky didn't foretell rain: it spoke to him of dragons and of people in lands far, far away, once upon a time. A muddy boot became a crystal slipper, left by a beautiful princess; a bag of frozen peas became a sack of golden coins.

Fidelity Of Detail - George Woolly wasn't much to look at: 'short back and sides', NHS glasses and the same style of clothing that he must have worn when he was at school; and his interest in Lepidoptera and steam trains didn't excite me when he showed me his photographs of Lobster moths and Bridgnorth booking office; but when I caught sight of a photograph of his wife, Trudy, I suddenly became interested in him...

The Monkey That Came Down From The Trees - The biggest problem facing a monkey today is: trees.

There are absolutely no zombies or vampires contained within the pages of this book - only pandas (there's lots of them).

"Short, dark, dry, varied, easy-to-get-into stories that make you smile - some quirky, occasionally thought-provoking and some that made me laugh out loud! A great way of filling small amounts of otherwise dead time" - Dave of Witney, Oxfordshire March 2018

Short stories
Publication Date:
Peter Coomber

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