You're not going to believe this short story. It's the tale of how I was infected with timebots. I could die, have them removed and then be restored to life by Alex Pierson (aka Jack the Ripper) or take a trip through time to Maryland in 1785 and rescue a witch. Time travel - here I come.
Almost forgot to tell you - My trip was arranged by T.A.C.O. (Time AntiChronoclasm Organisation) and in it you'll learn about B.E.L.L. (no clue what that stands for). The trip lasts three seconds / three months / 230 years - Yes I had trouble with that too.
It won't take you long to read - about 30 minutes.
- 9781005547073
- 9781005547073
- Short stories
- Publication Date:
- Language:
- English
- Publisher:
- John Chapman
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