It's a Wonderful World

It's a Wonderful World

by Jess French
Epub (Kobo - Fixed Layout), Epub (Kobo), Epub (Adobe)
Publication Date: 10/03/2022

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The nature in our world is wonderful, and it's up to us to take care of it. You may feel small, but your actions can make a big difference.

This title encourages children to look after their world, but it doesn't just focus on the problems - it teaches them proper ways of preserving and protecting the incredible biodiversity in our world. Vet, author, and TV presenter Jess French introduces kids to a wide variety of environments, plants, and animals, with each spread focusing on a particular species, group, or type, the challenges facing it, and the things kids can do to protect it. The ebook seeks to provide a positive outlook without glazing over the challenges faced by nature. Unlike most nature books, it will focus on some of the underdogs of the natural world, and will show kids that they can find wonder in the most unexpected places.

Social issues: environment & green issues (Children's / Teenage)
Epub (Kobo - Fixed Layout), Epub (Kobo), Epub (Adobe)
Publication Date:
Dorling Kindersley Ltd

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