Jack Gibson's Fur Coat

Jack Gibson's Fur Coat

by Glen Humphries
Epub (Kobo), Epub (Adobe)
Publication Date: 07/10/2023

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If rugby league buried a time capsule Jack Gibson's fur coat would be the first item placed inside - if you could solve the mystery of its whereabouts.League's precious artefacts include Thurston's headgear, Langland's white boots, Reggie the Rabbit's tail and a snag from the Dragon's season-ending BBQ. Or you could fill it with stories of players who were poisoned, didn't show for the grand final or took the field drunk.In Jack Gibson's Fur Coat, Glen Humphries tells the stories that live on the margins. You simply couldn't make up rugby league's best yarns.

American football
Epub (Kobo), Epub (Adobe)
Publication Date:
Rockpool Publishing
Glen Humphries

For the last two decades as a journalist, Glen Humphries has reported on all sorts of things–movies, TV, transport, politics, industry.

Pretty much everything except sport, funnily enough. He grew up in the era of World Series Cricket and still reckons the West Indies had the most frightening pace attack of all time.

As an author he writes and publishes his own books atlastdayofschool.net. He's written two books about the weird side of rugby league–Biff and Jack Gibson's Fur Coat and felt the time was right to turn his focus to cricket. He lives in Wollongong, where he likes to sit on the lounge and watch the Big Bash League every summer.

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