Jean Rousseau, John Locke, and Immanuel Kant on Education (Illustrated)

Jean Rousseau, John Locke, and Immanuel Kant on Education (Illustrated)

by Timeless Books: Editor and Jean Jacques Rousseau
Epub (Kobo), Epub (Adobe)
Publication Date: 20/07/2015

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The thoughts pioneered by Locke, Rousseau, and Kant have had a huge impact on the social contract and liberal theories and on the development of both epistemology and physical philosophy. American Declaration of Independence is strongly influenced by their ideology.

In 1693, Locke published SOME THOUGHTS CONCERNING EDUCATION that is still regarded as the most important work on education in England today. It was translated into all of the European languages during the eighteenth century. Jean Jacques Rousseau acknowledged that his Emile or On Education was inspired, influenced, and directed strongly by Locke’s book.

John Locke in the book explained how to educate a young mind using three distinct methods: the development of a healthy body; the formation of a virtuous character; and the choice of an appropriate academic curriculum.

In 1762, Rousseau completed Emile, or On Education his best and most important of all his writings. The book is a treatise on the nature of education and on the nature of man; but it was banned in Paris and Geneva when published due to the section "Profession of Faith of the Savoyard Vicar" in the book.  Rousseau addressed the relationship between the individual and society by calling out that "Everything is good as it leaves the hands of the Author of things; everything degenerates in the hands of man".

Rousseau further described a system of education that would enable the natural man to survive corrupt society. During the French Revolution, Emile or On Education was served as the inspiration for a new national system of education in France. The book also has had the most impact on Enlightenment. It is regarded as the first philosophy of education in Western culture.  

It was a widely told legend that Kant never interrupted his daily routine, but he could give up his daily walk in order to continue the study of Rousseau's Emile or On Education. The only picture hung over his writing desk in Kant's study room was a Rousseau’s a portrait.  Rousseau’s influence on Kant including the dignity of common humanity, the importance of autonomy, the centality of virtue, the nature of proper theodicy, and education as the foundation to education people’s respect for common human beings.

Continuing the work on education by John Locke and Jean Rousseau, Kant published his only work about education Kant on Education in 1803 and the book was regarded as Kant's deepest thoughts of education. Immanuel Kant’s treatise on education discusses the topics of "discipline," "culture," "discretion," and "morality." Kant dealt with the physical, mental, and emotional well-being of the child, and gave a variety of practical suggestions on how to train children to be the next generation of capable citizens.

In Kant on Education, he further explained that that education differed from training. He believed that education involved thinking whereas training did not. To Kant, education was the development of character and teaching of moral maxims. He also explored potential solutions to stress the necessity of treating children as children and not as miniature adults.

The work on education by John Locke, Jean Rousseau, and Immanuel Kant became widely recognised as the foremost and foundational voice about education and their influence has been felt in nearly every field of the humanities and social sciences.

This book is not only an important one about Philosophy and Enlightenment, but also a must-read book for readers who are interested in deepest thoughts of educating great young minds by John Locke, Jean Rousseau, and Immanuel Kant, three of the greatest tinkers on the planet.


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