Based on a story by Jim Henson’s The Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance series writers, Will Matthews and Jeffrey Addiss, Adam Cesare (Clown in a Cornfield) and French Carlomagno (Mighty Morphin Power Rangers) present an official prequel to the next chapter of the pop culture phenomenon, now streaming on Netflix. Return to Thra in a time before the Age of Resistance to meet Hup—breakout star of Netflix’s hit series; Jim Henson’s The Dark Crystal: The Age of Resistance, and a Podling cook who dreams of being a Paladin—and who discovers that sometimes it’s not always good when your wishes come true! Collects issues #5-8 in this stand-alone adventure.
- 9781646680412
- 9781646680412
- Graphic novels
- Format:
- Epub (Kobo - Fixed Layout), Epub (Kobo), Epub (Adobe)
- Publication Date:
- Language:
- English
- Publisher:
- Archaia
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